Your company’s voice matters when you establish and use it consistently!

Laura Potgieter  |  8 September 2021

Once you build and execute your company’s voice consistently, it matters!  Incorporating your company’s values into your tone of voice and maintaining it, is advantageous. You have people who write and develop brand communications, right?  Since this is so, does your organisation have a strategy in place to ensure a strong brand image? Then why wouldn’t all your messengers speak in this tone? How you communicate with your audience (e.g. through emails, newsletters, in-store materials, corporate announcement emails, and digital media) is important.  Brand storytelling is critical for any representative of your organisation. 

A corporate identity guideline governs most organisations’ corporate identities, which are well-defined. Rarely does an organisation create a message map and storyline for all the people who communicate on its behalf, and then give them authority to be efficient message carriers. As a brand communicator, it’s important to have a consistent voice. Thousands of individuals are communicating on our behalf. How can we manage this? 

This, according to DevCom, can be achieved through creating guidelines and training messengers to become certified brand ambassadors.  Here’s a few things that can wrong if you don’t focus on brand consistency and how your audience perceives your brand: 

  • Not completing your profile and style guide 
  • Having and inconsistent writing style 
  • Using off-brand content 
  • Not considering your audience 
  • Writing in Silos 

How do we prove this?

Through an integrated marketing and communication strategy, DevCom helped establish Afrivet as a thought leader in primary animal healthcare.

DevCom generated five times more Advertising Value Equivalent (AVE) for Afrivet by implementing a media plan over a seven-month period. To achieve this, Afrivet developed case studies and translated media narratives for defined digital channels. 


We increased recognition of the relationship between Afrivet’s brand promise and its newly branded product by crafting a compelling brand promise that reaffirmed the integrity and quality of Afrivet products.  Afrivet’s brand positioning and communication strategy enabled it to achieve high levels of product awareness in the market and gain high publicity by: 

  • Building strong brand recognition with internal and external stakeholders, 
  • Establishing a culture of two-way dialogue with internal and external stakeholders, 
  • Achieving high levels of employee engagement, and  
  • Ensuring that stakeholders were well-informed and engaged.  

Read up on this case study here.

Think about what makes you unique, and don’t be afraid to show it.  Sending surveys to customers, running focus groups, and scrutinizing direct and indirect competitors are all important steps.  Simply put, give your brand authenticity, and make it distinct by doing whatever it takes!” 

Mari Lee – Founder & CEO of DevCom 

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