Development Communication Solutions (DevCom) is a unique communication agency that uses the power of strategic communication to help companies to reach business goals, assist communities to achieve social goals and develop individuals to achieve positive change. Our skills unlock and increase social and business impact, as demonstrated in our track record of the past eight years in business.

However, what we say about ourselves is not as important as what our clients say about us so we asked ourselves the question: Do our clients agree with the above paragraph?

Thank you to all the participants in our September survey that went to our client and stakeholder network to test their perceptions of our brand and services. You told us that:



1. DevCom is…

More than a communication agency, they provide valuable business strategy input (48.6%)

2. Do you think that DevCom has business impact as an organisation?

DevCom has business impact, with 77.1% answering “Yes” to this question.

3. Do you think that DevCom has social impact as an organisation?

DevCom has social impact, with 60% answering yes.

4. Please choose the 3 DevCom services you most associate us with:
  1. Strategic communication consulting (61.8%)
  2. Communication research (52.9%); and
  3. Business and development communication services (41.2%)
5. DevCom’s strongest value add is…

The strategic insight provided by our measured results

6. These are areas that DevCom can improve in…

We can improve our technical execution and expand our services into Africa and across the globe by growing our capacity. Watch this space; we will meet this challenge.

7. Do you think that DevCom’s services are priced:Competitively (88.5%)
8. If you had to sum up DevCom in one sentence, it will be…. (most client’s just gave us words)Unique, dynamic, passionate, strategic, best practice,  communication agency
19. Which business and social issues do you think DevCom can assist with?Corporate Social Responsibility, Community development, empowering businesses and individuals with the skills to communicate effectively with their stakeholders

Therefore, we can say, with the backing of our clients, that:

DevCom is more than a communication agency; we achieve business and social impact through strategic communication consulting, communication research and business and development communication services. Our strongest value-add is the strategic insight provided by our measured results. We will improve our technical execution and expand our services into Africa and across the globe by growing our capacity.

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